The World Forage Analysis Superbowl welcomed 343 entries in its 38th year. Announced at the winner’s luncheon on Wednesday were the top prizes for the best forages in the country
With Day 1 of World Dairy Expo in the books, trade show exhibitors had the chance to sit back and relax for a few minutes at the Exhibitor Party hosted by Hoard’s Dairyman and World Dairy Expo
Every farm must wait until conditions are right for harvesting the next crop, but when you see neighbors and friends roll out their choppers and combines, it is difficult to be patient
Many jokes about Carhartt gear can be found throughout social media. What was once an outfitter solely for those performing manual labor is now on trend for the masses to wear
Holtz Dairy uses a rotational grazing system to help feed their organic dairy herd. They converted 150 acres to this system after being unable to grow crops on the soil